Esther Choi
Esther Choi is an artist and architectural historian. Through her multidisciplinary practice spanning photography, moving image installation, experimental pedagogy, and academic research, her work explores the design and abstraction of nature, the cultural politics of worldmaking, and the intersections between art, design, and the biological sciences. In 2020, she founded Office Hours, an artist-run project which cultivates the sharing of liberatory worldmaking knowledge amongst Black, Indigenous, and People of Color artists, designers, and storytellers. Choi is the creator of the artist's book Le Corbuffet (Prestel, 2019) and coeditor of Architecture At the Edge of Everything Else (MIT Press, 2010) and Architecture Is All Over (Columbia U, 2017). Her writing has been published in Artforum, E-Flux Architecture, Art Papers, Journal of Architectural Education, Architectural Review, and SSENSE. She is a 2022 Getty/ ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow and an Adjunct Associate Professor at The Cooper Union.