Daniel Sharp

Daniel Sharp is the Managing Director of DSCS, a community strategy consultancy that builds sustainable relationships and financial systems for artists, institutions, and creative tech companies. With a background in public art, publications, public policy, and crowdfunding, they help you craft your story, grow your platform, secure funding, and claim agency. Past and current clients include the Wide Awakes, Tony Patrick, Kat Mustatea, Collecteurs, Chitra Ganesh, NDN Collective, People for the American Way, and the Four Day Week Global Foundation.

Sharp's previous work as the Arts Outreach Lead at Kickstarter collectively raised $4,500,000+ for over 500 projects by artists, museums, and activists. He has spoken at the Chautauqua Visual Arts, Art World Conference, UC Berkeley, College Art Association, KODA, and the Institute for Nonprofit News.

In the evenings, Sharp is an artist making work about systems of capital, suburbia, and techno.


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