Yuge Zhou


At the age of five, Yuge Zhou became a household name in China as the singer for a popular children’s TV series. Yuge came to the US a decade ago to earn a degree in computer science and subsequently moved into video art and installations. Motivated to transform herself into a hybrid of two cultures, Yuge’s work addresses connections, isolation and longing across urban and natural environments. She creates immersive experiences through digital collaging and sculptural reliefs. Her recent projects explore metaphorically her personal history as an immigrant and bonds between her homeland and adopted country. She is also incorporating live choreographed dancers as a vehicle to explore the intersection between performance and video. In addition, she curates the 3300-square foot 150 Media Stream, a unique public digital art installation in Chicago. Yuge received the Santo Foundation Individual Artist Award and Honorary Mention in the 2020 Prix Ars Electronica. 
