Heidi Boisvert
Heidi Boisvert is an artist, scientist and creative technologist. She designs expanded reality and transmedia storytelling experiences, and also devises networked dance and theatre using biocreative technology.
She co-founded XTH, an open-source biowearable startup, and after creating "ICED: I Can End Deportation," the first 3D social change game, and "America 2049," an alternate reality game about pluralism, Heidi founded futurePerfect lab to develop imaginative, playful emerging media projects with social justice organizations. A boutique creative agency and think-tank, the lab harnesses the power of pop culture, emerging technology, and neuroscience to ignite culture change by working in creative partnership with non-profits to engineer their messages for mass appeal.
Heidi is currently Director of Emerging Media Technology at CUNY and an MIT research affiliate. She has previously been a TED Resident, a Harvestworks "Creativity + Technology = Enterprise" Fellow, a cultural ambassador in Turkey, and new media mentor for NALIP and BAVC Producer's Institute. She received her Ph.D. in Electronic Arts from RPI, where her research interrogated the socio-cultural and neurobiological impacts of intelligent technology. At present, she is developing the first media genome: an open-source biometric lab and AI system to isolate the narrative ingredients that move us to act.