Noam Segal
Noam Segal, Ph.D., is the LG Electronics Associate Curator at Guggenheim Museum. Her work centers curatorial practice at the intersection of digital, political, and social representations in contemporary art. Before joining the Guggenheim, she was the Director of Curatorial Research in the M.A. program for Curatorial Practice at the School of Visual Arts, New York. In 2022, she served on the curatorial team of Still Present!, the twelfth Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. She organized Maria Hassabi: Cancelled (2022), for FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial of Contemporary Art. In 2020, Segal organized the AURORA Biennial for Technology-based art in Dallas, TX. Segal has curated and cocurated an array of internationally renowned shows in museums across the US, Europe, and the middle east, including Neïl Beloufa: The Enemy of My Enemy, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2018); Pope.L: One Thing after Another, La Panacée, Montpellier (2018); and Anri Sala: No Names, No Title, Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2015), to name a few.