Ida Momennejad
Ida Momennejad is an interdisciplinary scientist, writer, and artist. They combine cognitive neuroscience and AI to investigate how brains build models of the world that shape memory and planning, the past and the future. Inspired by this research, at Microsoft Research NYC Ida leads projects in which they build and evaluate AI, e.g., agents for Xbox, reinforcement learning agents, and large language models. They believe in open science and regularly publish and present their scientific work. Their artistic practice includes writing creative fiction, nonfiction, and philosophy, making music, as well as collaborations with visual and performance artists. They were a member of the association of Neuroesthetics while completing their PhD in Berlin (2008-2013), where they collaborated with a number of interdisciplinary artists such as Ivana Franke (Seeing with eyes closed, visual arts), Azin Feyzabadi (A collective memory, film), and Luise Wagner & Jess Curtis (interdisciplinary choreographers). They served on the jury of TADAEX (Tehran annual digital art exhibition) for a couple of years and more recently NEW INC. In most art projects they serve as a scientific co-creator, vocalist/narrator, or writer. They’ve displayed and presented work at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin (“Seeing with eyes closed”, and “The scienturge manifesto”), Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice, Lauba in Zagreb, Parsons the New School for Design in NYC, Radial System V in Berlin, and Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, among others. Ida is currently working on a speculative fiction novel and a nonfiction book, in which meditations on memory in the context of science, philosophy, and war blur the boundaries of logos and mythos, the personal and the political.