Program Tracks
In Year 10 (2023 - 2024), our member cohort is organized into 5 tracks, or focus areas: Art & Code, Creative Science, Extended Realities, Social Architecture, and Cooperative Studies. Each track is assigned a dedicated Mentor-in-Residence, and in some cases we have partnered with like-minded projects or companies to offer special programming and opportunities for members.
How are creative practitioners pushing forward computational techniques for artmaking, art presentation, distribution, and digital preservation? This track is offered in partnership with Rhizome and focuses on experimentation and collaboration between artists, researchers, engineers, and technologists, where members benefit from specialized mentorship opportunities and events.
How are practitioners working across art, culture, and science to advance storytelling, research, and creative ventures? This track supports artists, design studios, and creative practitioners employing modes of scientific inquiry to reveal or complicate the world around us. Members of this track have an expansive understanding of how science can be engaged in their practice: from preserving local agricultural traditions, mapping interspecies ecologies of care, creating new sustainable textiles or garments from renewable materials, or creating immersive media experiences that make visible phenomena much smaller or larger than the human scale. Members of this track show audiences how science shows up in our day-to-day lives.
Extended Realities
How can artists leverage emerging tools that are forming new audience relationships to technology to develop and inform the XR space? This track is interested in projects that apply the full compass of human imagination to explore aesthetic and technical opportunities for motion capture, virtual reality, augmented reality, the metaverse, immersive sound, and more. Members of this track are interested in the third space between our physical and digital worlds and leveraging the affordances of XR tools to create dynamic experiences.
Cooperative Studies
How are artists, designers, and technologists experimenting with community- and worker-centered cooperative models for governing, funding, planning, or collective ownership? From the future of work to housing to community financing to cultural infrastructure, members of this track have a vision for untangling systems-level challenges and applying solidarity structures to build collective power.
Social Architecture
Architecture is more than the built environment. Architecture reveals how we see ourselves, how we relate to each other, and our hopes or dreams for a place. How can a practice rooted in design or architecture bolster community-centered, place-based initiatives to ensure social or public space is representative of the people and ecological systems inhabiting them? Members of this track are invested in the practice and slow work of designing with people, natural environments, and collective histories at the center.
Image credits:
Art & Code: Yehwan Song
Creative Science: Lydia White
Cooperative Studies: Amina Hassen
Social Architecture: Andrew Bruno
Extended Realities: Ina Chen and Calvin Sin, DEMO2023