Stream The Week In Art, Design, And Technology

It's been a big week in artificial intelligence.


Courtesy Giphy Creative Commons.

The Rundown:

1. Former Google engineer Anthony Levandowski seeks to create an AI god “for the betterment of society.” We're skeptical. [The Guardian]

2. China continues to pursue AI tech at full tilt as global AI spending will reach approximately $12.5 billion this year alone. [Forbes]

3. The hedge fund Man Group PLC is finding success with AI handling financial portfolios. The technology could be the future of finance. [MarketsInsider] [Bloomberg]

4. MasterCard and Swarovski have teamed up to offer the first virtual reality checkout experience. [AdAge]

5. Kim Albrecht, a designer at Harvard’s metaLab, is creating an art exhibition that “attempts to demystify the sensor technology that powers our devices by reimagining its raw data as data visualizations.” [WIRED]

6. VR is making fitness fun again by letting us finally have that bar fight without the regret and repercussions. [DailyMail]

The Long Reads:

7. “With health representing 20% of the U.S. economy and tech over 10%, scale dictates that tiny improvements in either sector have a huge impacts… Virtual Reality applications are saving lives in hospitals around the world today, and gaining more converts among decision makers. At the same time, the next generation of doctors, those entering medical school today, are the first digital natives, born with smartphones in their hands... these young doctors are bringing their technology with them, expecting it to problems, and will make their own solutions when they don't."

How VR Saves Lives in the OR via Forbes

8. “The tiny robots, which are a millionth of a millimetre in size, can be programmed to move and build molecular cargo, using a tiny robotic arm… a billion billion of these robots piled on top of each other would still only be the same size as a single grain of salt...'Molecular robotics represents the ultimate in the miniaturisation of machinery. Our aim is to design and make the smallest machines possible. This is just the start but we anticipate that within 10 to 20 years molecular robots will begin to be used to build molecules and materials on assembly lines in molecular factories.'”

World's first 'molecular robot' capable of building molecules via ScienceDaily



Author: Evan Berk

Evan BerkEvan Berk